News Feature: Centre for Research and Development in Learning (CRADLE), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

A brief write-up on our book ‘Turbo Motivation: Engineering Psychological Well-being’ on how the motivational strategies and nuances could be adopted to enable the learning process and facilitation to be rejuvenated, was featured in Centre for Research and Development in Learning (CRADLE) News Feature. [January 2022]


NBS Research & Insights

Our book was featured in this issue of Nanyang Business School Research and Insights, where Dr Kumaran Rajaram explained the link between motivational strategies and psychological well-being and how they contribute to goal achievement. [February 2022]


NBS Leadership, Management and Organisation

Our book was featured on the webpage of Nanyang Business School Leadership, Management and Organisation, where Dr Kumaran Rajaram expressed that the goal of the book is to inspire and empower students, adult learners and professionals to be more motivated so that they can achieve more and attain greater success and happiness in their life. [March 2022]


Radio Interview on CNA938

We shared our insights on turbocharging and sustaining personal motivation with our hosts Chew Wui Lynn and Stanley Leong during a live radio interview on Money Mind, CNA938. [April 2022]


NBS Research & Insights

We are grateful to be featured in this issue of Nanyang Business School Research and Insights for our live interview on Money Mind, CNA 938FM. [May 2022]